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Alaskan Hideout Page 2

  “Is my mom going to be okay?”

  “They’re taking great care of her.” Tyler hadn’t been able to focus his mind enough to consider whether or not Emma was seriously injured. Surely, Noah would have said...

  Still he didn’t want to lie to the boy.

  But hope won out. “I think she’ll be okay.” She had to be. Tyler needed to talk to her. The questions he needed to ask her were only growing by the minute.

  Only then did he realize he’d never asked the kid his name. He’d been so focused on learning his birthday to confirm what he already knew in his mind.

  “What’s your name, buddy?”

  “I’m Luke Dawson.”

  Tyler needed to talk to Emma.

  Right now.

  He took a deep breath and tried to stay calm for the kid, who he’d decided wasn’t going to sit in some cold hospital waiting room. So Emma hadn’t told him about Luke. A huge deal, one he’d have to sort through in his mind, but he had other things to worry about right now. Like why the damage to the car looked like another vehicle had been involved. The back end of the Toyota was smashed in and some kind of dark paint, black or blue, had left streaks on the side.

  “I’ll be right back, okay, Luke?”

  He stepped away from the car and walked toward his brother. “Where’s the other car?”

  “Hit and run.”

  “Is something going to be done about that?”

  Noah raised his eyebrows and Tyler checked himself. It wasn’t the best idea for him to be telling his brother how to do his job. He held up his hands in surrender. “Sorry. I just want this dealt with.” Uneasiness churned in his stomach along with no fewer than ten other emotions he couldn’t name at the moment. Emma. A son. Car wreck.

  Something about it didn’t sit right.

  A cell phone rang in the front of the car and both brothers turned to look at it.

  Noah gave him a look of warning. “There’s no protocol that says you should answer that.” He’d read the look on Tyler’s face well. Back in his life, not even in it technically, for ten minutes, and Emma was already making him do things that weren’t like him. She’d loosened him up in college, taught him that having friends was sometimes more important than studying for an exam, and in turn he’d taught her the value of lists, planning, stability.

  He moved to the car and answered the call on the unlocked phone before Noah could try to stop him. Because technically there was no protocol that said he shouldn’t.

  It was an unknown number. His curiosity piqued. “Hello?”

  Whoever was on the other end hung up.

  “Who was it?” Noah asked.

  “No idea.”

  His questions for Emma, about Emma, were only growing and Tyler’s mind was consumed with her presence, even though she wasn’t physically there but a few miles away at the Moose Haven Hospital. This was what this woman did to him, made it impossible for him to think, made him feel too much.

  What’s going on, God? Why is she here? And do You really think I can handle this?

  It was that last question Tyler would really like an answer to. Because he wasn’t sure he was up to whatever this challenge was. When it came to Emma, with how thoroughly she’d broken his heart, he’d wound up the loser.


  Emma had the worst headache she’d ever had in her life, she was in a strange town and someone appeared to want her dead.

  And to top it all off, she was within miles of Tyler Dawson, which meant she was going to have to face him soon...and she still had no idea what she was going to say.

  Everything about her current situation terrified her.

  Emma sat up in the hospital bed. Luke. Where was Luke? She looked around, frantic. Surely the police who’d come to the scene would recognize that hers hadn’t been an ordinary accident, right? And they’d keep her son...their

  She ran back over the details in her mind. The car following too close. The crunch of metal on metal as her car had rolled in the sunlight and then only darkness. She didn’t remember anything else.

  Emma pressed the call button for the nurse. First order of business, she had to get out of here and go take care of her son. And figure out if the wreck was some kind of weird coincidence or...

  A vision of a person with a gun stalking toward her, wanting her dead, solidified in her mind. No, this hadn’t been coincidence and there was no point in pretending it could have been. Emma had witnessed a murder, had had the audacity to correct the assumption that it had been suicide, something the bad guys had probably set up on purpose. And now, in their eyes, she had to die.

  The only problem was that she had too much to live for. Luke. Her desire to be the best at what she did in her job, even if she was clearly searching for a new one. The drive to convince Tyler to forgive her and maybe, just maybe, let them be friends?

  Emma wasn’t stupid. She knew he’d never take her back, never forgive the betrayal of keeping their son from him. Every day she’d not told him had driven the nail deeper into the coffin of their relationship and now it was too late.

  Too much water under the bridge.

  The door of her room creaked open and Emma’s shoulders relaxed. If the doctors hadn’t planned to discharge her yet, she’d make sure the nurse understood how important it was that she be released.

  But it wasn’t a nurse. It was Tyler. Looking better than she’d remembered even. Tall, broad-shouldered, with dark hair...and piercing green eyes she’d never been able to intentionally look away from.

  Except now. Emma looked down at the hospital bedding. Braced herself.

  The room was still. He said nothing. So she looked back up. Swallowed hard.

  “Tyler.” Emma said his name slowly, hating the injustice in the fact that she was seeing him again for the first time in almost a decade wearing a blue hospital gown, with at least one cut on her face, hair matted with blood.

  Not the impression she’d have preferred to make, but then again, there were lots of things about her life that weren’t how she would have preferred them. “I know you must hate me,” she continued, “But is Luke okay?”

  He gave the slightest of nods and then speared her with his gaze.

  “How. Could. You.”

  Emma looked into his eyes, realizing now that she’d always done that when she’d wanted to know what he was thinking. She had always thought she could see more in people’s gazes than others could, like she could see inside them. Someone had told her that before...

  Oh, Tyler.

  Her cheeks heated, embarrassment, regret and a maelstrom of other emotions all swirling inside her.

  “I’m sorry.” It seemed a good place to start.

  “I appreciate that.” His voice was measured and even. This was the Tyler she’d met at the start of college, the Tyler who’d not make a step without considering the implications to his five-year plan, the one who’d known where he was headed and had been so solid in his convictions.

  Except that one night...

  “I am, Tyler. For...for all of it.” She swallowed hard, still feeling responsible for the time their innocent relationship had derailed. “Not for Luke’s existence, though. I won’t be sorry for that.” She heard her tone harden as she remembered what she’d given up for him. Her parents hadn’t spoken to her since right after she’d given birth when they’d tried to convince her that just because she’d “insisted” on having Luke, didn’t mean she had to keep him. They’d brought up adoption and while she’d thought adoption was a wonderful thing, it hadn’t been what she’d wanted.

  At all.


  Emma exhaled. At least Tyler seemed to understand that Luke’s life was a gift. She watched emotions chase across his face and sat there facing him, not knowing what to do. What to say.

  “Why a
re you here? And why is someone trying to kill you?”

  Emma let out of a breath.

  The door swung open again, both their attentions going that way.

  A man in uniform walked in.

  “This is my brother, Police Chief Noah Dawson. He’ll do what he can to help you, but you’ll have to give him some answers.”

  Emma nodded.

  “And I’d like some of those, too.”

  Again her cheeks burned. “I’ll give them to you, the ones I have.” She pressed the nurse call button. “I’m assuming they were planning to discharge me soon. I’ll tell them it needs to be now.”

  Noah looked between them, shook his head. “Let’s get out of the hospital to somewhere we can talk comfortably. I’ve got my car out front. Emma, Tyler, why don’t the two of you climb in and we’ll drive to the station? Do you have...regular clothes, Emma?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not sure. I think they might have been stained from the wreck.” Her hand went to the spot on her forehead. The wound wasn’t too large but head wounds bled a lot.

  “I’ll have my sister Kate bring you something. She’s about your size.”

  Emma nodded, thankful. Even if the clothes swallowed her, as garments often did—she was only five-two—anything was better than a hospital gown.

  The nurse walked in just then, with the good news that the doctor had agreed to her discharge. When her papers were done, Emma tied a second hospital gown around the back of herself so she could at least walk without being exposed in any way even if she did look ridiculous.

  She glanced in Tyler’s direction as they walked toward the car, careful to stay sandwiched between the two men yet feeling the tension radiating off both of them. She’d been lying to herself. She’d told herself Tyler would never forgive her, but somewhere deep inside, hope had flickered.

  Its flames were completely extinguished now.

  He’d never forgive her.

  * * *

  Tyler’s jaw was clamped so tight he was getting a headache. He glanced at his watch. Just past four in the afternoon and he felt like he’d lived three lifetimes since he’d gotten called out to help with the wreck just after lunch.

  Emma Bass was in town.

  She had a son.

  He had a son.

  She hadn’t told him.

  His mind kept spinning in circles over those indisputable facts, with enough questions mixed in to make him feel physically ill. It was like he’d run too many miles without stopping for food or water and was full-body exhausted. But in his mind the biggest question was what he had done so wrong.

  Besides the obvious. He’d handled their relationship well the entire time they were in college, balanced his emotions with his faith, his convictions. His sense of right and wrong. The one time he hadn’t...

  Noah had grilled him on the drive to the hospital, more stunned than Tyler about him having a son, if such a thing was possible. Noah was the oldest, Tyler next, but somehow Tyler had always felt like his siblings looked up to him. He was the stable one, the one to always be counted on. He had to be defined by something, do something noteworthy even if it was just being the dependable sibling, with Noah saving the world from crime, Kate making a name for herself as one of the best trackers in Alaska, and Summer running on mountains, at the top of the world without flinching.

  Tyler? Tyler was just dependable. It was what he was good at.

  Until now.

  He felt the weight of Noah’s disappointment, had wanted to defend himself, but knew there was no use. Summer’s reaction was the one he was bracing himself for. Tyler had known she’d beat herself up over her own past but he hadn’t shared a word of his. Hopefully his little sister would understand it just hadn’t been the right time to share his story.

  Emma Bass was in town.

  His mind looped back as he looked over at the woman next to him in the back of the police cruiser. The cut on her forehead, her pale skin, the hospital attire... All of it reminded him that no matter what questions he had about their past, someone was after Emma and, for some reason, she’d felt it best to come to Alaska. Knowing she was in danger made it difficult for him to breathe, the physical impact unexpected but intense enough that Tyler knew he needed to find a way to compartmentalize his feelings until she was ready to talk, to separate himself emotionally so he could help Noah in whatever capacity he was needed.

  He knew the Moose Haven PD was small-town, though the department now had its biggest complement in years with four officers now that Clay had joined the force. Still, they didn’t have an excess of manpower and Tyler couldn’t see Noah putting someone on Emma full-time since they hadn’t been able to do that when a serial killer was after his sister few months ago.

  An idea settled in his mind. Tyler wasn’t an officer, but he’d been to the police academy in Sitka, had just finished the training recently. Noah had wanted more reserve officers just in case. Even though he didn’t have a lot of experience, Tyler could technically do the job.

  If it came down to it, Tyler would do what he had to do to keep Emma safe.

  Not because he still felt anything for her. But because it was the right thing to do.

  Noah turned left when he should have turned right.

  “I thought you were taking us to the station?” Tyler asked from behind the Plexiglas.

  Noah shook his head. “I changed my mind. Emma needs to be somewhere comfortable, right?” He looked back at her and Tyler saw a small smile on Emma’s face at the consideration. “She’d probably like to see for herself that her son is okay, too.”

  “He’s at the lodge, not at the police station?”

  Was that alarm in her voice? Tyler had talked about his family all the time in college and even if Emma had never had the chance to meet them, she should know that they were good people. Dependable.

  Of course, she should have known the same thing about him.

  Noah spoke up. “He’s safe there with my sisters. They’re two of the toughest people I know and I left them there with Clay Hitchcock, one of my best officers.”

  Emma’s face relaxed a little. “I know Clay. From college.”

  “That’s right, I’d forgotten that,” Noah said. No one responded and the rest of the drive passed in silence as they drove out of town, away from the bay and into the deep woods of the northern edge of town.

  A short time later the cruiser pulled up in front of Moose Haven Lodge and Tyler glanced up at it, trying to see his family lodge through Emma’s eyes.

  Their relationship, already on rocky soil after their life-altering mistake, had fallen apart when he’d scrapped his plans to open his own lodge on a beach somewhere and had agreed to take over this one for his parents so they could retire. She’d refused to leave Texas for Alaska, said the name of his home state like it was the literal end of the earth, unsettled and uninhabitable. He hoped the gorgeous log-sided lodge in front of her made her feel...something.

  Regret? Tyler didn’t know...that wasn’t right to wish on anyone. But he did somehow hope she saw how wrong she’d been about his ability to provide a nice life for them.

  Apparently for the baby they’d had on the way.

  Noah parked the car and Emma got out. Tyler followed.

  “Wow.” She turned to him as she took the first couple steps to the wide front porch. “This is nothing like I pictured.”

  “I didn’t figure it would be.”

  She met his eyes and, for half a second, it was as if the last eight years hadn’t happened, as though nothing had even gone wrong. He stood still for a minute—not caring that his brother was watching—temporarily pushing away the hurt in Emma’s rejection, the anger that she’d kept the fact that he was a dad from him.

  And then it all came rushing back all at once. He turned away. But not before he saw her smile fade as she jumped an
d flinched almost as though he’d hit her, something he’d never do, had never even thought of doing.

  He didn’t like how much Emma made him feel. She’d always done that, magnified his life, made it more vivid, brighter, fuller.

  Right up until she’d left.

  Tyler walked past her, up to the lodge. He looked back only long enough to confirm that Noah was with her. “Will she be okay with you for a minute?” He lowered his voice unconsciously as he swallowed back everything he felt.

  Noah nodded.

  Tyler hurried inside. He just needed a few minutes.

  A dad. He was a dad.

  With a woman he’d loved like he’d never loved anyone else. A woman he could never have.



  She’d no sooner stepped into the lobby of Moose Haven Lodge when her son came flying into her arms. Gathering him close, Emma squeezed him hard and thanked God for keeping him safe when she’d been forced off the road and into the ravine. She suspected that was one of the things Noah was going to want to talk about, and Emma was ready to tell him the story, though she could use a few minutes to decompress.

  Things between her and Tyler had never been easy. Even as best friends before they’d officially started dating there’d been a sizzling current of electricity between them. It made sense that their breakup would be more like a devastating explosion of fireworks. Even this long afterward.

  She kept her arms around Luke, thankful that at least Tyler hadn’t said anything negative about her son, thankful he’d been safe.

  “Emma, if you want to come with me, I’ll get you some clothes.”

  A woman Emma hadn’t seen before was standing nearby, along with another woman and a man. The woman who’d spoken to her was small, dark haired, and with a look on her face like nothing got past her. She had to be Kate. The taller woman, the one with the blond hair and soft waves, she recognized as Tyler’s sister, Summer, who was a mountain runner. Emma’d never have known the sport existed if it wasn’t for Tyler, but she’d followed it a bit online over the years, desperate enough for a glimpse into Tyler’s world. Keeping up to date with his sister had helped her to fill that void in some small way. Summer had been out of competition for years—Emma suspected there was a story there—but lately rumors were flying that she might be getting back into it. The man next to her was with the Moose Haven PD and she recognized him from college. Clay Hitchcock.